Empowering communities througth our production units!
Investing By people for Communities
Production units
PVC Burundi carries out its land restoration activities through production units, which are community groups of women and young people, to implement our social and investment projects.
This approach enables the communities gathered in these production units to be involved in land restoration procedures, while generating income for the communities participating in the restoration activities.
Forest and land Monitoring
Not only do we restore degraded land, but also biodiversity, the same activities that are carried out by members of the production units, using modern technology techniques for remote monitoring of plant species plans, to enable tree-planting communities to have access to Carbon Credits, in order to create sustainable community financing systems.
Tree planting
From the preparation of nurseries to planting, we provide beneficiaries with high-quality seedlings, and restore degraded land by planting trees and species with high income-generating potential without cutting down these trees, which constitute a sustainable model for land restoration.
This has enabled us to generate several new jobs, in the preparation of nurseries, the monitoring and maintenance of pepineres and the seedlings that are planted.
Animal manure for soil fertilisation
For our land restoration strategies, it has been shown that families with at least one domestic animal that provides them with organic manure have over 50% higher agricultural yields, We also know that animals need to live in good conditions, and PVC Burundi helps farming communities with animals in their homes to improve the quality of their land fertilization systems by using mixed composting systems to improve the quality of organic manure.
We also provide them with alternative systems to feed their animals without harming the environment, and develop alternative techniques to reduce consumption of animal protein sources by promoting the production of vegan proteins.
Fields of the beneficiary who planted species to feed the animals and benefited pig from PVC Bundi as animal credit.
Regenative Agriculture
We don't want to speak the stroga of others, who say that more than 95% of Burundians live from agriculture and livestock, and that more than half of children under the age of 5 suffer from malnutrition.
These terms have been known for decades.
PVC Burundi through the production units that are our community investment channels, we want to talk about our development strategies with key words, for example the number of hectares we have restored and the indicators of agricultural production, through these strategies of land restoration, we live the techniques of restoring the health of the land, practicing agriculture that allow them to generate income but also feed members of their families.
Growing Food to Feed the Community
healthcare access and micro-Loans
It's a tribute to see communities sell off the parts of their land and the small animals that sustain their way of life and source of income, to pay for health services.
PVC provide these communities with health care dispensing points such as pharamcies in remote areas, but also in partership with clinics and helath center, to enable communities to have health services in the areas where they live.
We encourage them to join community mutual benefit schemes and community micro-credit systems.
New Technologies
In addition to helping rural communities to gain access to internet services through community groups, we want to promote the integration of new information technologies into our social and investment projects, which has enabled us to create a young workforce, bring innovations in terms of accessibility to health services easily, and by integrating remote sensing systems of the land to be restored and the monitoring of planted plants, which facilitates reporting and clarity in project implementation, and gives us greater confidence in our partners as well as access to carbon credits, thanks to the use of different web and mobile solutions.